Friday, December 2, 2011

simple gifts


The stores are crazy.  Everyone is stressed trying to find that perfect gift.  Maybe it’s because I grew up with a very crafty momma, but I love making gifts!  A plate of a loved one’s favorite cookies OR a basket of fresh, organic fruit. Seriously, have you seen the face of someone who feels completely understood and loved? Priceless.

Recently while visiting my brother in Georgia, we had dinner at the The Crab Shack. Great food AND the kids got to see some alligators. Fun place for the whole family!  At the sinks they had some really cool salt scrub to get the crabby-fishy smell of your hands (and to keep them touchy soft too!!) Once in the gift shop I noticed a jar of this stuff was $25.  No, I’m not cheap, but I screamed out “I can make this!”  The Hubby hustled me out before I embarrassed him too much.  When we got home a few days later I got to work in the kitchen, intent on making the most delicious smelling scrub I could. And I did.


Yummy-Easy-Hand Scrub

  • 1/3 C kosher salt
  • 1/4 C olive oil
  • 12 drops of grapefruit essential oil

Mix together and use any glass container you may have already have OR run your booty out to the dollar store and buy a little dish.

Give it away or keep it for yourself..

You can use a superfine OR larger grain sugar, almond oil would be nice, then just nix the essential oil. OR if your giftee loves a certain scent, make it just for them! Sit back and feel the love!


A few other ideas for simple homemade gifts:

  • basket of favorite fresh fruit (seriously, think about the person you’re buying for – don’t buy pears if they hate pears.)
  • favorite childhood story, of yours OR theirs (not homemade, but simple and loving memories still the same)
  • their favorite tea or coffee


When someone receives a gift that is truly personalized for them and their likes it is truly amazing how that feeds your relationship with them. Feeling heard and understood is so powerful and that is the most gracious gift that you can give to anyone.

Happy shopping and keep it simple.



  1. Gina, this is a great post! You've reminded us all of what the spirit of the holidays should be about :) You are right, receiving a gift like those you've mentioned above, and knowing that the person you received it from made it and/or personalized it just for you is such a meaningful expression of caring. It does feed your relationship in a completely different way. Thank you for this post and the great recipe for Hand scrub. ~Kelly

  2. Thanks Kelly! It's something that I know that I need a daily reminder for... we get caught up in so much! :)
